Honolulu, Hawaii — Par Hawaii, which operates a refinery in Kapolei to produce a full spectrum of fuels for Hawaii residents and businesses, announced that it will offer a 15 cent per gallon discount to all registered Kama‘aina Rewards members. The discount will apply to all grades of gasoline and diesel at all of its Hele stations and participating 76 branded stations, beginning on Friday, May 27. The discount will also apply to biodiesel sold at selected Hele and 76 stations.
“Crude oil prices throughout the world have been hovering at high levels,” said Eric Lee, Par Hawaii’s vice president of retail. “This has raised our energy costs to keep our refinery operating around the clock to meet the state’s energy demands. We’re all being squeezed these days, and Par Hawaii wants to do our part to help support Hawaii’s working families.”
The discount will be available for a limited time to all registered Kama‘aina Rewards Members. Customers who are not currently registered members can easily sign up for a free Kama‘aina Card, a customer loyalty program, at a nomnom convenience store. Once customers have activated their Kama‘aina Card, they can receive their fuel discount at the pump.
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About Par Hawaii
Par Hawaii, the state’s leading provider of refined petroleum products, is headquartered in Honolulu and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Houston, Texas-based Par Pacific Holdings, Inc. Par Hawaii owns the state’s only petroleum refinery with a capacity to process 94,000 barrels per crude oil per day in Kapolei, Oahu, distributes fuels via pipelines on Oahu and barges to all major harbors in the state, markets fuels through a network of 76 and Hele retail stations throughout Hawaii, and operates the nomnom convenience stores. Visit www.ParHawaii.com.
Media Contact:
Marc Inouye
Director of Government & Public Affairs
Par Hawaii
Phone: (808) 203-2344
Email: minouye@parpacific.com
Nathan Hokama
Strategic Communication Solutions
Phone: (808) 226-7470
Email: nhokama@scsolutions-hi.com