KAPOLEI HAWAII — Par Hawaii held a groundbreaking ceremony at its refinery in Kapolei today to prepare for new modular office space for nearly 60 Par Hawaii employees who will relocate from the downtown Honolulu office in the second quarter this year.
A total of 7,200 sq. ft. of office space will accommodate the logistics and retail teams to be closer to the refinery employees.
“The move will enhance communication among Par Hawaii employees,” said Eric Wright, who was recently promoted to president of Par Hawaii and now oversees both the refinery and logistics.
Photo: Left to right: Jeff Moore, Par Hawaii project manager; Eric Wright, Par Hawaii president; Jon Addis, estimator with Construction R Us, LLC; Mike Vierra, vice president and Kapolei refinery manager; and Keith Yoshida, Par Hawaii vice president – planning and business development.
About Par Hawaii
Par Hawaii, the state’s leading provider of refined petroleum products, is headquartered in Honolulu and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Houston, Texas-based Par Pacific Holdings, Inc. Par Hawaii owns the state’s only petroleum refinery with a capacity to process 94,000 barrels per crude oil per day in Kapolei, Oahu, distributes fuels via pipelines on Oahu and barges to all major harbors in the state, markets fuels through a network of 76 and Hele retail stations throughout Hawaii, and operates the nomnom convenience stores. Visit www.ParHawaii.com.
Media Contacts:
Marc Inouye
Par Hawaii
Phone: (808) 203-2344
Email: minouye@parpacific.com
Nathan Hokama
Strategic Communication Solutions
Phone: (808) 226-7470
Email: nhokama@scsolutions-hi.com